Recreation Committee
The Recreation Committee was formed by and under the Greystone Homeowners Association Board of Directors according to the By-Laws of Greystone Homeowners Association. The Recreation Committee will consist of no less than four board members, as well as appointed.
The recreation committee duties and responsibilities are described below. Day-to-day operation of the pool is managed by an on-site Certified Pool Operator who reports to the Recreation Committee. Comments and suggestions regarding pool maintenance or staff should be directed to the committee.
Recreation Committee Members:
Gordon Archambault..... Chairman, Financial, Greystone HOA Representative
Nancy Peplin .......... Food Truck, Greystone HOA Representative
Jeff Camdon ........... Landscaping
Bob Wylie ............. Communication, Greystone HOA Representative
Barbara Wait .......... Tennis Coordinator
Diane Kennedy ......... Tennis Representative
Paul Woolverton ....... Greystone HOA Representative
Brooke Bryand ......... Volleyball Coordinator
Blake Carothers ....... Volleyball Representative
Christian Sito ........ Swim Team Coordinator
Open Position ......... Recreation Coordinator
Barbara Wait .......... (email barbarawait@gmail.com)
Brooke Bryand ......... (email brookebryand@gmail.com)
Swim Team
Christian Sito ........ (email farmersito@yahoo.com)
Open Position ......... (email Greystone.Swim.and.Racquet@gmail.com)
The duties and responsibilities of the Recreation Committee include:
1. Securing and managing Pool membership and guest passes.
2. Ensuring the seasonal opening and closing of the Swim Club.
3. Ensuring year round access to the tennis, basketball and volley ball courts, as well as the surrounding grounds.
4. Supervising contractors for:
Pool management
Refurbishments, maintenance and improvements
Insurance evaluation and acquisition
5. Financial budgeting, assessment and record keeping.
6. Securing annual permit for pool operation.
7. Planning, scheduling and managing special events.
8. Establishing recreational hours, rules, regulations and other use restrictions.
9. Receiving complaints from members on any matter involving Club functions, duties and/or activities.
10. Other operational decision-making as required.
11. Regular and accurate reporting to the Association Board of Directors.
12. Formation of subcommittees, such as:
Swim team/lessons
Tennis team/lessons
Social functions